Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Music | Three on Two by Fred Anderson

Here is the latest testimonial that has come in regarding Photo Privé...

Working with Ted on this cloudy day was so very special. He had recently suffered a loss, and so had I. The mood was a little somber, but as the shooting got underway, our shells cracked open a little. I wanted to document this time of my life that is in the process of waking up. My heart had woken up recently by a big love, my mind has been thoroughly roused by graduate nursing school and my spirit has been rubbing its sleepy eyes against the brightness of all this life around me: my children, my friends and my family. Ted has a chameleon-like ability to gauge a mood and blend right in. Because of this, we had a very easy time of it. He is a wonderful photographer, not just because he can take a great picture, but because he knows how to read and care for his subject.

Thank you, Ted!
